Online Tutoring

We started online services in 2019 before Covid-19 and have seen its big advantages pretty quickly for our students, especially with our intuitive platform Bramble.

Online tutoring is a way to connect instantly from anywhere. Use your laptop, tablet or computer to meet with your tutor. We provide a personalized tutoring solution to fit your needs.

Study at your own pace using the advantage of digital technology. During your session while video chatting with your tutor, you can speak, type, draw, erase, take notes and send files like an in person session. You will have access to your own private access, 24/7. The platform keeps track and saves automatically everything on your private page. No need to take screenshots anymore or scroll in the chat.

You can also listen to audio recordings of your previous lessons if you need to understand again something you learned.

instruction to use Bramble

Bramble platform